Summer Telethon 2024

Our summer telethon has been running since 2014, we call alumnae, parents and friends of the school over a two-week period (this year from 10th July – 24th July).

First and foremost, the this lets us keep in touch with you, updating you on what’s going on in and around the school. Our Upper Sixth callers* love the opportunity to speak with our wider school community. Secondly, it offers you a chance to hear about the Assisted Places Fund and for you to offer your support if you choose.

The results of these telethons over a number of years have had a transformative effect on the lives of many pupils from the Birmingham area and for almost 80 years, funded places have provided girls with an unparalleled education, irrespective of their family backgrounds.

We are so grateful for the support we receive – recurring gifts, ensure sustained funding for Assisted Places, providing longer term financial income. They are a very real way of paying opportunity forwards. Your gift can really make a difference.

Find out more about Assisted Places here.

Thank you for your consideration and support. We hope you enjoy the call**.

*Our callers are Upper Sixth pupils and have been recruited through an interview process. We pay for their time throughout the two weeks, and they receive comprehensive training prior to making their first calls. Not only do they gain new and develop existing transferable skills, but they also learn more about the school, its history, and how Assisted Places transform the lives of the pupils and those around them. The new transferable skills they learn enhance their CVs and the timing of the telethon also ensures they have plenty of time over the summer before embarking on their next challenge.

** If you would prefer not to receive a call this year, please let us know by Thursday 4th July at


Telephone Campaign 2024 KEHS policy


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