140th Anniversary Appeal Smashed!

Our 140th Anniversary Appeal set out to create a new full seven year Assisted Place for a girl sitting the entrance exam this term. I am delighted to say that, through your generosity, not only did we reach our target of £140,000 but we smashed it! You raised an amazing £145,885* and doing so, it has allowed us to fund a girl through the school, starting in September.** We are so thankful for all your donations, and of course, to our match fund donor. Thank you to all of the Old Edwardians, parents, staff and friends of the school who have made a gift to Assisted Places this year.

For many families with able children, choosing a school like KEHS is simply not an option without the financial support of an Assisted Place. Assisted Places not only enable the brightest pupils attend our school, they also enrich the school community, allowing the girls to learn from meeting and interacting with people who have different perspectives and backgrounds, helping our school to continue to reflect the community it serves.

Your support has not only transformed the lives of individuals and enriched our school but has also strengthened the collective belief amongst our community for the importance of access to education. The positive effects of this message will be long lasting and while this appeal may be finishing at the end of this year, we hope that by celebrating this success it will encourage other to support our cause going forwards as we continue to give as many girls as possible access to our wonderful school.

By giving together, you are making a huge impact.

THANK YOU to everyone who supported this appeal and who continue to support Assisted Places.

You can read more about Assisted Places here.

*this figure includes Direct Debits for a three year pledge.

** any remaining funds will go towards supporting additional places.


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