
More than twice as many pupils receive means-tested support at KEHS than the national average.

We can all be enormously proud of this fact. Access is one of the pillars of KEHS - but we need your help to keep it that way. Please give whatever you can to support the next generation of KEHS girls.

Make a Gift

To make your gift, please select either the regular gift or single gift online donation form. Alternatively, you can request a donation form and return it to us by freepost.

Make a Regular Gift by Direct Debit

Make a Single Gift by Credit Card

Make a Gift to the Design Centre

Gifts made to the Trust may be eligible for Gift Aid which increases the value of your donation by 25%. Please click here for further information.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss giving in more detail, then please get in touch. Thank you for your support.

Sponsoring a Girl

Leaving a Legacy

Giving Stocks & Shares

Giving Property

Payroll & Matched Giving

Gifts from Overseas

Tax Efficient Giving

Year Group Giving

I hope that people will support Assisted Places and give more girls the wonderful opportunities I have had.
Sophie - Class of 2013 & Assisted Place Recipient