Update your Education & Careers Information

We are always keen to hear what our alumni are up to and we would love to find out where life after KEHS has taken you. Did you go to university? Do an apprenticeship? And what about after?

Would you be open to sharing your career path with us, and perhaps even offering your help through the careers network? You can help with anything from giving a one-off talk to acting as an email mentor, or perhaps offering work placements through your company. If so, we would also love to hear from you. Please use the form below to keep us up-to-date. If there is insufficient space below to list your qualifications, please send any additional information to us by email to oldeds@kehsmail.co.uk.

Your information will be held and used as per our Privacy Statement. Recent leavers also have the choice to have their results included in the Prizes and Awards booklet (formerly Speech Day programme).